The information offered by 奥升德高性能材料 Operations LLC (“Ascend”) as on this site is subject to certain terms and conditions.
By entering and using this site you acknowledge and agree to all of the Terms and 条件 stated herein. 如果您不同意这些条款和条件,请不要使用本网站. We reserve the right to revise these Terms and 条件 at any time and for any reason, 无需通知或义务, 通过更新此帖子. Your continued 使用 this site following the posting of 变化 to these Terms and 条件 will mean that you accept such revisions, 变化, 和/或修改. Any 使用 this site in a manner inconsistent with these Terms and 条件 is deemed unauthorized access and may subject the user to civil or criminal penalties. We strongly recommend that you periodically visit this page of the site to review these Terms and 条件.
1. 限制使用现场材料
Ascend授予您访问和使用本网站的有限许可. 仅供您个人使用, you may print copies of the information from this site and store it on your own computer. 您不得下载或修改本网站, 或者它的任何部分, 除非事先得到奥升德的书面同意. This license does not include: any resale or commercial 使用 this site or its contents; any derivative 使用 this site or its contents; or any 使用 data mining, 机器人, 或者类似的数据收集和提取工具. Any unauthorized use terminates the permission or license granted by Ascend保留所有其他权利.
虽然Ascend提供的信息可在本网站访问您的个人, 非商业用途, Ascend保留产权, 比如在U下面.S. 以及国际版权法, 所有这些信息, 包括但不限于非文本信息组件, 如图形图像和商业外观,是这些信息的一部分或事件. 这意味着在没有Ascend事先明确书面许可的情况下, you MAY NOT: distribute information from this site to others; include information from this site on another site, 在服务器计算机上, 或者在文件中, including but not limited to “mirroring” the information and to displaying the information by means of HTML frames or similar means; or modify or re-use the information from this site. Ascend保留所有其他权利.
2. 版权及商标
Ascend is the copyright owner for all materials on this site or has the permission to use such materials, 或者在新闻文章中, 这些新闻文章的来源是公开的. 本网站的任何部分, including but not limited to the 文本 or 图片 may be copied or distributed in any manner, 或者出于任何目的, 未经奥升德事先书面许可, 除非另有规定. The compilation of all content on this site is the exclusive property of Ascend and is protected by U.S. 以及国际版权法.
您承认并同意任何名称, 标志, trademark and/or service mark contained on this site is owned or licensed by Ascend and may not be used by you without the prior written approval of Ascend. Ascend which will aggressively enforce its intellectual property rights to the full extent of the law. 图形, 图表, information or 图片 of places or people are either property of Ascend or used on this site with permission. 除非特别许可,否则禁止您使用任何这些材料. 任何未经授权使用这些材料可能使您受到处罚或损害赔偿, 包括但不限于与商标侵权有关的行为, 服务商标, 版权, 隐私, 以及宣传权.
3. 链接、发布和传送
不要链接到, 文章, 或传送到本网站, 任何色情, 淫秽, 亵渎, 诽谤, 诽谤的, 威胁, 非法, or other material which could constitute or encourage 非法 conduct that may be considered a criminal offense, 引起民事责任, 或违反任何法律或法规. 尽管奥升德, 或者其他参与创造的人, 生产, 或者传送这个网站, 可以监控或审查任何传输到本网站, Ascend和所有参与创造的各方, 生产, 或者传送这个网站, 不承担因其内容可能产生的任何责任或义务, 包括但不限于诽谤索赔, 诽谤, 诽谤, 淫秽, 色情, 不敬的言语, 或歪曲.
虽然本网站可以链接到其他网站, Ascend则不然, 直接或间接, 暗示任何认可, 协会, 赞助, 支持, 或与链接网站的关联, 除非本文特别说明. By entering this site you acknowledge and agree that Ascend has not reviewed all the sites linked to this site and is not responsible for the content of any off-site pages or any other site linked to this site. 您链接到任何其他非网站页面或其他网站的风险由您自行承担.
4. 免责声明
While Ascend makes reasonable efforts to ensure that all material on this site is correct, accuracy cannot be guaranteed and makes no representations or warranties as to its accuracy.
这个网站, 以及此处包含的所有信息和材料, 是“按原样”提供给您的,没有任何形式的保证, 明示或暗示, 包括, 但不限于对适销性的默示保证, 适合某一特定目的, 在法律允许的最大范围内享有所有权和不侵权. 在法律允许的最大范围内, 奥升德同时拒绝对安全作出任何保证, 可靠性, 及时性, 和这个网站的性能.
5. 责任限制
You acknowledge and agree that your 使用 this site is at your own risk and that none of the parties involved in creating, 生产, 或对本网站的任何直接交付负责, 间接, 偶然的, 后果性或惩罚性损害赔偿, 或任何其他损失, 负债, 义务, 损害赔偿, 索赔, 要求, 行动, 任何种类的成本和/或开支(包括法律费用), 专家的费用, 或其他支出), 直接或间接, 通过访问, 使用, 或浏览本网站或下载任何资料, data, 文本, 图片, 来自本网站的视频或音频, 包括但不限于由任何病毒引起的任何问题, 错误, 人类的行动或不行动或任何计算机系统, 电话线, 硬件, 软件, 或者程序故障, 或者其他错误, 计算机传输或网络连接失败或延迟.
6. 赔偿
你同意赔偿, 捍卫, 让奥升德及其附属公司免受伤害, 以及他们各自的主管, 军官, 雇员及代理人, 以及Ascend的许可人以及与Ascend签订合同的其他第三方, 承保一切损失, 负债, 义务, 损害赔偿, 索赔, 要求, 行动, 任何种类的成本和/或开支(包括法律费用), 专家的费用, or other disbursements) incurred by or against such persons or entities which may arise, 直接或间接, 从你的访问, 使用, 或浏览本网站或下载任何资料, data, 文本, 图片, 来自本网站的视频或音频, 包括但不限于由任何病毒引起的任何问题, 错误, 人类的行动或不行动或任何计算机系统, 电话线, 硬件, 软件, 或者程序故障, 或者其他错误, 计算机传输或网络连接失败或延迟, your violation of these Terms and 条件 and/or your violation of any rights of any third party.
7. 适用法律和管辖权
通过访问本网站, 你同意德克萨斯州的法律, 不考虑法律冲突的原则, will govern these Terms and 条件 and any dispute of any sort that may arise between you and Ascend. You hereby consent to the jurisdiction of federal and state courts located in Harris County, 以解决与您访问本网站有关的任何争议. Ascend may seek injunctive or other appropriate relief in any state or federal court in the State of Texas, 您同意在该等法院享有专属管辖权和地点.
8. 用户提交
You acknowledge and agree that any communication or material you transmit to this site or to Ascend, 以任何方式或出于任何原因, 不会被视为机密或专有. 此外, you acknowledge and agree that any materials you transmit to Ascend may be used by Ascend, 在任何地方, 任何时候, 不管是什么原因. Ascend没有 accept unsolicited business plans or proposals and you agree not to submit such materials.
9. 隐私政策
Please review our Privacy Notice which governs your visit to this site, to understand our practices: http://gp.tattoo169.com/隐私.
10. 可分割性
如果这些条款和条件中的任何一个被视为无效, 无效, 或无法执行, such term or condition shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Terms and 条件.
11. 我们对隐私的承诺
您的隐私对我们很重要. 以更好地保护您的隐私, 我们提供的信息解释了我们的在线信息实践.
奥升德高性能材料 Operations LLC (“Ascend”) may collect various types of information from users. 例如, knowing how users use our site – tracking their movement through the site – helps us improve site design and usefulness. 结果是, Ascend服务器收集有关用户的一般数据, including the length of time spent on the site and the pages accessed while visiting the site. Ascend没有, 然而, 收集任何个人身份信息,如姓名, 家庭住址, 或者电子邮件地址. The information-gathering technology referred to as “cookies” is not used in connection with this site.
我们的隐私政策可能会不时更改. 因此,我们强烈建议用户定期查看我们的隐私政策. 如果我们决定改变我们的隐私政策, we will post those 变化 so our users are always aware of what information we collect, 我们如何使用它, 在什么情况下, 如果有任何, 我们公开它. If at any point we decide to collect personally identifiable information or use any collected information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, 我们将通过在本页发布更改通知用户. We will use information only in accordance with the 隐私 policy under which the information was collected.
沃森 & 克里克山公园
电话:+32 10 608 600
电话:+86 21 6340 3300
©2024 Ascend高性能材料公司